Survival benefit of DAA-induced SVR
in patients with decompensated cirrhosis
Survival benefit of DAA-induced SVR
in patients with decompensated cirrhosis
Kim WR, AASLD 2017, Abs. LB-27
Comparison (standardized mortality ratio) of
- Observed incidence of deaths from start of DAA therapy in patients
with hepatic decompensation (Child-Pugh B or C) in SOLAR-1
and SOLAR-2 studies
- LDV/SOF + RBV for 12 or 24 weeks, n = 212
(123 Child B and 89 Child C)
- With mortality predicted by survival models derived from HCV patients
with hepatic decompensation in the pre-DAA era
Survival model derived from liver transplant candidates with hepatic decompensation (Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network)
- Model development: HCV patients on the waiting list as of Jan 1, 2007
- Model validation: HCV patients on the waiting list as of Jan 1, 2008
- Selected patients meeting the SOLAR studies eligibility criteria
Observed versus expected mortality

- SOLAR studies: 15 deaths within 1 year of therapy
- Standardized mortality ratio: not different for the first 100 days, significantly reduced thereafter